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You ever wanted to write texts in Indian languages but couldnt..?

Well it is not a problem any more. This software is based on phonetic english transformation; i.e. type in English what u want to type and you can get the desired output in any Indian language.For example to type "ghar" in hindi u just have to type exactly "g h a r" and it will type it in hindi font.All popular indian languages included. Just type in phonetic english and get drafted in your regional language.
Click for more details...

The salient features are :

* Self explanatory User interface
* Multilingual Spellchecker
* Choice of Keyboard layouts
* Email facility for Indian languages. Send Indian language messages in LP2, ACI RTF, HTML, BMP, and JPEG formats to enable use of Web browsers or any standard text editor to view these messages
* Facility to make web pages in Indian languages
* Language Sensitive Multilingual Editor
* User Definable Shortcuts to type frequently used words and phrases.
* Search and Replace in Indian Languages
* Carry Indian language text in RTF format to other programs for Graphic Enhancements and Pre-press Processing
* Define Styles and Design Templates in any language
* Choice of Keyboard layout



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Anonymous said...

whats the activation key

Anonymous said...

thnks bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. whats the activation key

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